Welcome to Our lady of Pompei prayer garden. The center piece of the prayer garden is the statue of Our Lady Help of Christians. This is a
marble statue of Mary with child. We built the prayer garden to encourage people to pray for an end to abortion. There are countless
men and women who suffer from the trauma of abortion and for lost fatherhood. Pray also for the protection of the unborn.
The prayer garden is a very peaceful and meditative place to pray. It also includes the Stations of the Cross, which depict the last hours of
Jesus' life: from His condemnation to His burial. As you walk the path, reflect on His sufferings and join your sufferings to His and know that He is with you every step of the way in all of life's difficulties. Our God does not abandon us!
Please visit the outdoor prayer garden, it is open to all the faithful everyday from 7:00 AM-10:00 PM.