Learning our Faith is a great way to study the fundamentals of our faith: sacraments, the church, salvation, the ten commandments, etc. Please consider joining us to learn more about our faith and to draw closer to God.
We meet every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM from September until May. All are welcome
The Rosary Society is comprised of a group of women dedicated to the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is fitting that in our parish we have a Rosary Society, since our parish is under the
protection of Our Lady of Pompei, itself a feast of the Rosary.
The ladies meet every month to pray the Rosary and afterward to gather for a meeting and fellowship. The ladies also plan and host gatherings like our Communion Breakfast. They provide a wonderful opportunity for our parish to join together and experience the blessing of gathering in faith and fellowship.
Our Religious Education Program begins in kindergarten and runs through the 6th grade. Religious Education is held on Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:45.
Our teachers are extremely dedicated to teaching their students the fundamentals of our Catholic faith in a warm and supportive environment. Every one of our teachers is in full compliance with the requirements of Protecting God’s Children— the Bishops’ mandate that all those who have contact with minors pass a criminal background check, sign a code of conduct issued by the Diocese, and attend a child safety program.
The children regularly take part in serving at Sunday Mass as altar servers and lectors. They also sing in the children’s choir. Every first Sunday of the month the children gather around the altar for a children’s homily.
The children also serve the poor of our immediate area by conducting the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas gifts for children, and the Lenten Rice Bowl. Our students are taught that Christian generosity and compassion are a way of life.
Our confirmation program begins in 7th grade and ends in 8th grade with the sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation students learn not only the essentials of the faith, they also learn how to apply that faith in their daily lives, especially in dealing with difficulties such as negative peer pressure and other aspects of teen life that challenge faithful discipleship.
Our confirmation teens also serve the local poor by sorting and packing food for needy families at Thanksgiving. They serve the wider community by helping at the Hillside Community FoodBank.
Last, our teens also attend a retreat in January at St. Paul Inside the Walls. The retreat is Diocesan run and relates the faith very well to the needs of the teens.
This committee is comprised of a very dedicated (and efficient!) group of parishioners who know how to organize and execute an event, whether it be a Past Night dinner or a celebratory event
like the retirement of our deacon or the installation of a new pastor, or a fundraiser like our annual Gift Auction and our annual Lenten Fish Fry.
The committee pulls together and takes care of everything from decorations, setting up, and cleaning up.
The finance committee meets quarterly to advise the pastor of the financial status of the parish. The committee reviews the proceeds from fundraisers and the weekly collections. The committee also reviews the physical needs and maintenance of the parish.
In addition to regularly secheduled services such as the celebration of Mass and the sacrament of Reconcilation, our parish offers Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday following the 8:00 AM Mass until 9:30 AM.
Devotions include daily recitation of the Rosary before the 8:00 Mass, a novena to honor Mary on Mondays during the 8:00 Mass, and a novena to honor Saint Anthony on Tuesdays during the 8:00 Mass.
We also offer an Advent Reconciliation service, as well as the Sacrament of Reconciliation every Monday night during Lent and a Lenten devotion Stations of the Cross every Friday night during Lent.
Our Lady of Pompei also has a dedicated group of lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. They assist at Sunday Masses and holy days of obligation. Finally, beginning
in third grade, our children are invited to serve at the altar.