Baptisms are celebrated on Sunday at 11:45 AM Call the parish office at least one month in advance. Godparents must be Baptized Catholics who have made their First Communion, received Confirmation and are active in the church.
First Penance is received by second graders who have attended CCD regularly for two years. Parents are required to attend preparatory meeting. Penance Services for adults are scheduled periodically (Advent & Lent).
Reconciliation can be obtained every Saturday, 4:30 to 5:00 PM or by appointment.
First Eucharist received by second graders who have attended CCD regularly for two years. Parents are required to attend preparatory meetings.
Confirmation is held in 8th grade for those who have attended CCD regularly.
Anointing of the Sick is administered as needed. Urgent calls will be answered at any time. Please call the rectory if anyone is home-bound or hospitalized.
Matrimony should be scheduled at least a year in advance. Information about pre-Cana and engaged encounter is avaliable. The parish Family Life Community provides pre-Cana annually. Marriage encounter information is also avaliable.